Saturday, May 7, 2011

Leading @ Google: Stuart Diamond

"Getting more: how to negotiate to achieve your goals in the real world" by Stuart Diamond, a former Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times, Diamond (Law / University of Pennsylvania.) Debuts with a great how-to on the basis of its immensely popular during the negotiations. The author is preparing for any negotiation with the same question: "What are my objectives Who are" them "What will it take to convince them?" A second response, draw on a selective and collective bargaining strategiesdescribed in this book full of anecdotes. Others go in his field believe that many people are rational in a negotiation. Not so, says Diamond. The people in the real world, whether friends or committed, CEOs tend to be emotional and irrational in their interactions. Because the people involved make up 90 per cent of the negotiation (substance represents only 10 per cent) that allows you to negotiate on your understanding of the images in the mind the other side "has a base, a phrase often used by DiamondTo emphasize that psychology trumps the problems at the negotiating table. Successful negotiators prepare to learn what other tick (through research and conversation), take small steps, clear communication, again to avoid problems in deception opportunities and embrace the differences. In particular, the author writes, they have to achieve specific goals and connect with the other party. Many of the proposals are catchy Diamond ... This book is incredibly broad appeal and find usefulmany ...